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Julvanten 2022 – Del 3 (engelska)

Julvanten 2022 – Del 3 (engelska)

Posted: 15 December, 2022
Writer: Maja Karlsson

It’s now time to finish this year’s Christmas mittens! We’ll knit a little thumb – just a small amount left to do as the Christmas rush sets in.


Divide the 17 held sts onto 3 dpn.

Rnd 1: Work following thumb chart, picking up and knitting 3 sts in the 3 cast-on sts over thumbhole = 20 sts total.

Knit around following chart C (chart rows 1-13).


Thumb Top

Continue with color 2.

Decrease Rnd: K2tog around – 10 sts rem.

Cut yarn and draw end through rem sts; tighten. Weave in all ends neatly on WS.


Weave in all ends neatly on WS. Wet-block mittens carefully and lay flat to dry.

Psst! Join our Facebook group Julvanten– where we’ll share photos, tips, and inspiration.

Please show your work on Facebook and Instagram (@jarbogarn). Don‘t forget the hashtag #julvanten2022!